L'avventura del Marocco

Some experiences are thought to create psychological and physiological arousal by an exciting, unusual, bold, risky and uncertain undertaking termed adventure. It is a major pursuit of it in itself. An adventurer or adventuress is the one who believes in the existence of fun from risks in life; be it physical, financial or psychological for the recreation with excitement endured in the process. Travelling can be the most satisfying adventure involving exploration and tourism to remote, exotic as well as hostile areas by stepping out of one's own comfort zone.

Struck by Lonely Planet or Travelogues, Africa is place of deprivations but not when it comes to adventurous explorations. With every turn of the head, there is something new and exciting to venture out into being one of the many authentic destinations. It's second to Egypt as a North African holiday destination.

It is a constitutional monarchy located in the North Africa. The political capital of the country is "Rabat" with "Casablanca" being the largest city. It has always been known for its Islamic liberalism and openness towards the Western world. Morocco is a diverse place with culture and geography. Languages spoken here are Darija (Moroccan Arabic), French and Berber. Same way Moroccan literature is written in Arabic, Berber and French. Rock-influenced chaabi bands are widespread with trance music with historical origins in Muslim Sufi music.

The landscapes are a wild mix up of mountainous regions, calm coastal enclaves and barren deserts. Morocco borders Algeria to the east, Spain (through the Straits of Gibraltar) to the north and Mauritania with the Western Sahara to south. There is miserable climatic variation in the country. In the north, around Tangiers and the Rif Mountains; sunny and dry summers run from May to September. South experiences desert climate with very little rain, soaring temperatures during the day and sharp drops to cooler temperatures at night. During rainy season, The Atlantic coast receives rain and during winters, the High Atlas Mountains are blessed with snow.

There are frequent flights from most major European cities to Morocco and an option of overland travel through Europe via the Straits of Gibraltar. The infrastructure in Morocco is good with well serviced roads and public transport in the North as well as Central regions but further south the roads get narrower plus bumpier. The major cities of Morocco are Marrakech, Fès, Tangier, Casablanca and Rabat. Notable fact is that Morocco is the starting point for travelling all across Africa.

The country is divided into three natural regions. The fertile northern coastal plain along the Mediterranean contains Er Rif; the rich plateaus and lowlands lying between the Atlas Mountains. It extends in three parallel ranges from the Atlantic coast in the southwest to Algeria and the Mediterranean in the northeast. The semiarid area in southern and eastern Morocco merges into the Sahara Desert. Morocco has the most extensive river system in North Africa with most of the rivers flowing towards the Atlantic or Sahara. The Moulouya is an exception and flows to the Mediterranean. Principal rivers of the country are Oumer River, Sebou, Bou Regreg, Tensift, Draa, Sous, Ziz and Gheris. Its 1800 kilometers of coastline offers exhilarating waterborne and wind loving activities in this region. Seaside entertainments include surfing, kite surfing, wind surfing, Trekking, rafting, mountain biking, off-road driving are inland sources to boost up the adrenaline.

The best time to visit the place is the autumn as it marks the end of the Muslim period of fasting, Ramadan. Though the accommodation prices hike, it is the time to dive into the winding streets of the Fès medina or even snag you a wife at Imilchil's Berber Marriage festival. The warm days and cool nights of autumn offer a great deal with nature in Morocco. The High Atlas Mountains, the Anti-Atlas Mountains with volcanic Mt. Siroua, Mountain Jebel Toubkal (North Africa's highest peak), Rif Mountains in the north and the gorgeous Ameln Valley hold the major attraction for trekking destinations. Set beneath the peaks of the Rif Mountains with red-tiled roofs, bright blue buildings, and narrow lanes converging on a delightful square; "Chefchaouen" is one of the prettiest towns in Morocco. Avoid visiting the place in August due to the immense heat it tolerates at that time and the holy month of Ramadan when most of the restaurants will be shut during the day.

The currency utilized here is Dirham (Dh) with 8.15 Dirham equal to 1 US Dollar. The common phrases of communication with the Moroccans whose most cherished possession is their dignity are Ssalamu'lekum (hello, literally peace be upon you); Shukran Bezzef (thank you very much) and Insh'allah (God willing). Handshakes are the customary greeting between individuals but are somewhat weak according to western standards.

The people of Morocco are well-known for their warmth, hospitality and inhibition. It is very common to be showered with invitations for coffee or tea throughout one's stay. The cuisine of Morocco is rated among the best in the world and falls into two specific categories. The first category requires intensive supervision and the host do not participate in the preparations. No women are present and the male host merely oversees the banquet with his sons and servants. Men squat on mattresses or pillows around low and beautifully laid tables. A silver ewer of perfumed water is taken around and poured over three fingers of the right hand of each guest. The host claps his hands to begin the meal. One course after another and each delicacy is served until Chban (complete satiation) is achieved. To finish the Savor, silver ewer filled with warm water is presented to clean the mouth, lips and hands.

The meal is considered as a feast for the Gods which begins and ends with Bismillah (God's blessing). In the second category of cookery, the dishes are prepared with love and care by the mistresses of the homes (Dadas). She spends hours with her glazed earthenware with copper cooking dishes, her kanoun (the movable clay brazier) and the charcoal to perfume the kebabs which allows the sauces to simmer under its heat. A folded carpet serves as a seat. The Dada is dressed in a long colorful robe with the scents of coriander, cumin, saffron, marjoram and onion mingling with the pungency of olive oil as well as the sweetness of sandalwood, mint plus roses to delight the senses. The dinner starts with Bstilla, followed by the typical brochette or kebab flavored with bits of beef or lamb fat. Next comes the Tajine (chicken or meat in a spicy stew which has been simmered for many hours) served with a flat homemade bread called Khubz. In Morocco, as in most Arab lands; every household makes its own bread. After the Tajine, a Batinjaan Zalud (eggplant salad or chopped tomato salad) is served as a separate course. After this, Couscous Marrakesh, the marvelous Moroccan national dish made of semolina with each grain separate from the other is served. The dinner is completed with slices or wedges of peeled melon La Morocaine pastries made with honey and almond land finally a small glass of mint tea. The following dinner is a very much simplified version but it is delicious gives the "feel" of Morocco.

To know the high risk associated with the trip and avoidance to death, check the latest travel news and advisories with current government warnings if you are heading to the area for the history of explosions. Travelling to the Western Sahara region of Morocco is not advised due to the presence of landmines. Though amidst all the fuss; Moroccan adventure caravan tour, North morocco plus Fez Escape tour, Moroccan adventure holiday and self drive tours to the southern coast of Morocco can be a boon to an adventurous mind. Morocco is enlightened with such undoubtedly splendid pride and vastness available in resources to fulfill the lavish hunger for adventure, food and life. It can surely be an obsession that would make one smile with an inspiration to give.

Casablanca - cuore del Marocco

Circa Casablanca:

Casablanca è la più grande città cosmopolita del Marocco ed è considerata la capitale economica. Una città sorprendente con la grande architettura e stile di vita moderno attira turisti da tutto il mondo. Casablanca è abbastanza famoso per il film omonimo uscito nel 1942 che ha vinto tre Oscar. Il Marocco è domestico a molti residenti francese o spagnolo e a causa del suo livello di alta formazione; gli insegnanti, i tecnici e i pensionati più migrano in Marocco. Casablanca è una città prospera ed è un ottimo posto per gli investitori americani e per coloro che si occupano di esportazioni e ha il più grande porto artificiale del mondo.

Moschea di Hassan II:

Casablanca ospita la terza più grande moschea; Moschea di Hassan II. È la più grande moschea in Marocco, progettato dall'architetto francese Michel Pinseau. Questa magnifica moschea ha una capacità di ospitare oltre 150.000 fedeli e si compone di minareti più alti del mondo. Conosciuto anche come moschea Hassan II è la principale attrazione turistica e migliaia di turisti provenienti da tutto il mondo a prenotare i voli per Casablanca solo per vedere la Moschea.

La Corniche:

Ad ovest della Moschea di Hassan II, si può visitare un quartiere sul mare conosciuto come The Corniche. È sede di molte catene di Fastfood occidentale così come un cinema di occidentale-stile. Si può anche trovare molti caffè vista sull'oceano, che offrono deliziosi caffè e deliziosi dessert.

Paradiso dello shopping:

È un luogo ideale per gli amanti dello shopping; si possono trovare molti articoli di pelletteria, tessuti e tutti gli accessori di fantasia. Ci sono molti designer Outlet, che forniscono su scala oggetti alla moda come le scarpe in pelle, cinture, borse e camicie. Occhiali firmati sono altamente elegante e sono disponibili in tutte le tariffe convenienti. Gli amanti dell'arte possono acquistare potteries famosa del Marocco, che sono colorati e molto attraente. Come Marocco è famoso per le sue olive varie, molti negozi specializzano solo nella vendita delle olive.

Cibo e Alberghi:

Casablanca vanta una vasta gamma di ristoranti e Alberghi, che include, La Cigale, giada pasticceria, La Corrida, YoSushi e molti altri. Dal cibo spagnolo arabo delizie, gli amanti del cibo da tutto il mondo godono le Golose prelibatezze della città. C'è un ampia disponibilità di alloggi in città. Se uno è alla ricerca di sistemazioni che entrano nel loro bilancio quindi devono controllare in Hotel Terminus, Hotel Central e Ajiad Casablanca. Altri sontuosi alberghi comprende; Sheraton Casablanca Hotel, Novotel Casablanca City Center e Hyatt Regency Casablanca.

Vita notturna:

Casablanca è abbastanza famoso per la sua vita notturna, anche se non è come in pieno boom - esso ha mescolato recensioni. I club sono bar sono per lo più affollata di uomini e diventa scomodo per le donne. Nonostante il fatto che le squadre sono dominate da uomini, donne (con qualche ricerca) possono trovare diversi club che hanno macchie fantastici per bere e marmellata. Pub sono bar come quelle che La Bodega e Kasbar sono molto popolari a Casablanca.

In giro per la città di Casablanca non è una cosa difficile da fare; si può noleggiare un'auto o viaggiare su un autobus sarebbe un ottimo modo per esplorare la città. Casablanca è una destinazione di vacanza grazie alla sua località esotiche e offerte. Con l'aumento del turismo, numerose compagnie aeree offrono voli economici a Casablanca - vacanze in Marocco sono semplicemente incredibile.

Marocchine avventure con i biglietti aerei per il Marocco

La magia di Marrakech e Casablanca, le dune del deserto del Sahara e la bellezza di impennata delle montagne dell'Atlante! Ci sono molte ragioni per scegliere vacanze marocchine.

Città imperiale di Marrakech e Casablanca Home Page itinerari di viaggio dei vacanzieri afferrando i voli per il Marocco. Queste città sono carichi di delizie turistiche e promessa a stupire i turisti con una moltitudine di attrazioni e negozi.

Con gli aeroporti di classe superiore, queste grande città sono facilmente accessibili per turisti prendere voli a Marocco. Non sorprende, numerose compagnie aeree vendono biglietti a buon mercato per queste destinazioni incoraggiando innumerevoli tour operator a vendere pacchetti vacanza su misura per queste città. I treni navetta efficiente di servizio e l'aeroporto rendono queste città ancora più attraente.


Questa fiorente città è un enigmatico melting pot di tratti tradizionali e moderni. Casablanca premia i visitatori con meraviglie delizioso visite che fanno di uno soggiorno nella città gratificante. Non sorprende, Voli Casablanca ruba.

Un perfetto rifugio per i pellegrini, la Moschea di Hassan II è una complicato progettata moschea che orgogliosamente propone il genio architettonico arabo e accoglie gli appassionati di culturali. Moschea di Hassan II attira devoti da tutto il mondo per cercare voli Casablanca.

Per i viaggiatori di prendere voli economici a Marocco, non non c'è alcuna carenza di opzioni da pranzo a buon mercato e nuova Medina è uno dei migliori di tutti. Questa posizione unica da pranzo a Casablanca ha un labirinto di catene di fast food e ristoranti che servono cucina deliziosa.

La piazza di Mohammed V è un trendy shopping posizione a Casablanca ed è estremamente popolare tra i visitatori. Esso ospita la stringa di negozi che vendono vestiti, profumi, libri e altri oggetti a prezzi competitivi.


Marrakech è una città araba archetipica. L'affascinante eredità cultura e storica della città è una grande tentazione per i vacanzieri di svago. La città è colpita anche tra i viaggiatori di bilancio come numerosi vettori forniscono voli economici Marrakech. Infatti, non sarebbe sbagliato dire che la maggior parte che prenotano voli Marrakech sono i viaggiatori con budget di viaggio modesto. Sontuose vacanze a Marrakech non sono un problema troppo.

Il fascino turistico di Marrakech come moschea Koutoubia, il Museo Dar Si Said ingannare appassionati d'arte per cercare i biglietti per il Marocco.

Rue Souq Smarine, una località turistica a Marrakech, è la sede tradizionale Bazar e attira i cacciatori di occasioni per prenotare i voli economici a Marocco. Il Bazar rimangono pieno zeppo di turisti contrattare duramente a raccogliere oggetti di souvenir a prezzi bassissimi. Spezie, frutta secca, gioielli, tappeti, artigianato in legno, tessuti, scarpe e pentole - questi bazar locali offrono quasi ogni prodotto immaginabile e che troppo alla sporcizia prezzi economici!

Numerose bancarelle e venditori alle posizioni da pranzo popolare a Marrakech servono alcuni cucina saporita. Foodies ottenere l'imbarazzo della scelta, come la diffusione comprende globale così come etniche cucine.

Editor e scrittore esperto di contenuto, Jack Olivor ha lavorato con la corsa di Southall per 3 anni. È consulente e consulente esperto su voli economici a Marocco e scrivendo vari suggerimenti e consigli su vacanze e viaggi. Visita http://jackolivor.blogspot.com/ per ulteriori informazioni su di lui.

You Can Fly From the UK to Marrakech If You Don't Want to Drive

Those who are planning a vacation to the United Kingdom are going to appreciate the fact that they can get from the UK to Marrakech without breaking the bank. There are two different types of flights that are offered from the United Kingdom. The first are the commercial flights and the second are charter flights. Both offer positive and negative aspects for their own means of flying to Marrakech from the UK.

Charter Flights

A charter flight is a very good option as it can save a family a good deal of money. There are not going to be many commercial flights that are going to be as cheap as a charter flight. These charters are sold as a package deal so it there is the added bonus of not having to worry about accommodations or sight-seeing trips as these are all going to be included in the package.

If you are just looking for a cheap flight without the package, you are going to need to purchase your flight from the UK as these seats are only sold after the packages have been filled. This is the only downside to flying through a charter flight company. It is really not a down side but it can leave the flight plans up in the air before you travel to the UK.

Do not look for all the bells and whistles that you would get on a commercial flight. The reason these seats come at a discount is because they do not offer any extras. You are paying for a flight and only a flight. It is also recommended that you bring your own snacks and drinks for the time you are going to be flying.

Commercial Flights

Many of the major commercial airlines in the United Kingdom offer flights to Marrakech. These flights are also cheap and many business class flights can be had for just over one hundred English pounds which is roughly two hundred dollars. This price can vary depending on the exchange rate when the flight is purchased. Those who want to fly commercially to Marrakech from the UK, then you should find out what the exchange rate is try to book it when the rate is best for the US dollar.

Coach flights are offered at a lower rate, but with the cost and comfort of business class flights, many are going to feel that business class is the better option. Those on a tight budget are going to want to look at the coach fares to see if they are more affordable than the business class flights are going to be. If you are looking for a package deal, you do not have to stick with the charter flights as there are many packages available from commercial airlines as well.

If you want to expand your family's vacation to include Africa, then Morocco is the best option. There are many flights daily that leave the UK and go directly to Marrakech. This is a beautiful country with loads of history that you can become a part of with one of these types of flights.

If you're planning a trip to Morocco and you are looking for a fantastic place to stay, consider Marrakech Riad. They have fabulous Marrakech accommodation [http://www.marrakech-riad.co.uk/reservations.php] and pleasant, helpful staff to ensure your stay is the best imaginable.

Visit Morocco With Flights to Casablanca Available at Budget Prices

Just across the Strait of Gibraltar, on the coast of North Africa facing the Atlantic Ocean, lies Casablanca. This cosmopolitan city blends the customs of the orient with the open ways of the Western world and is amongst the most fascinating cities to explore. With the wide range of packages and cheap tickets to Casablanca you can find nowadays, this city offers tourists fascinating cultural sites, natural spots and sparkling nightlife as well as an extensive choice of dining options.

All flights to Casablanca arrive at the Mohammed V Airport situated 30 km from the city center. The airport is currently undergoing a major expansion and will soon be offering topnotch facilities for all travelers and increased chances to find cheap tickets to Casablanca.

Casablanca is no doubt Morocco's commercial capital, where Arab customs and western modern trends offer a kaleidoscope of contrasts within the walls of a city that essentially revolves around commerce and trade.

The Hassan II Mosque is Casablanca's landmark with its monumental structure that can welcome up to 2,500 worshippers within its walls and 80,000 in the outside gardens. The Old and New Medina are also worth visiting, notably the Old Medina with its two surviving gates through the old town walls where the tomb of Sidi Allal el-Kairouni lies as well as a fortress and a jewelry market.

The best markets and restaurants as well as shopping centers lie on the northeastern fringe of the city on the Atlantic Ocean. Here you will also find the typical Souks and street markets where magnificent carpets and leather goods can be bought at extremely good prices.

Here, hotel luxury and superior service makes for a truly relaxing beach vacation under the warm dry sun. The Corniche Beach is a good place to consider when planning to relax or go for a swim. The Ain Diab is the nearest to the city center stretching for over a mile of white sand and dotted with beach clubs and dining facilities.

Casablanca offers international and delicious Middle Eastern cuisine, downtown Casablanca being the best area in which to find a good restaurant. You may also try the Medina, where you can get a typical dish for only a few dollars.

With cheap flight to Casablanca you can also find great bargains for accommodation. Hotels range from luxury to low budget, whose prices vary considerably according to the rating of the hotel.

Casablanca boasts a warm Mediterranean climate with the summer temperatures averaging 24°C and winter temperatures usually remaining around 15°C.

Angelina Christy is a travel author who has written many articles that keeps on guiding the travellers throughout the world like flights to Casablanca. Angelina herself is an avid traveler who has travelled more than 22 countries. She also talk about travel options like Cheap Flights that explains how tourists can minimise the cost of their travel fares.

Flights to Marrakech From Continental Europe

There are many ways to travel from Continental Europe to Marrakech. One of the easiest ways is to travel by airplane. You can also drive from Spain to Morocco as well. Driving is not always the best way to go though when there are many flights to Marrakech from continental Europe. These flights are not as expensive as one might think and there are many deals being offered.

If you are planning a trip to Europe, you might also want to take a side trip to Africa. You can do this by going to Morocco which is the northernmost country on the African continent. It is also the African country that is closest to Europe and offers languages from Spanish, French and even English. Morocco is a melting pot of artisans and people who are seeking to get away from commercial living. These people seek out places like Marrakech where they can have the modern day luxuries without the hustle and bustle of modern day life.

For a flight that is only going to cost a couple of hundred dollars more, you can also experience this historic city that is a popular get away for many people. Not only are you going to be able to take a quick jump to another continent that is full of history, but you can take many of the day trips offered that are going to get you even more away from it all. Your family is going to benefit from getting some history of the country and you are going to benefit from the quiet and tranquility of many of the day trips.

There are the High Atlas Mounts that offer mule rides to tour the largest peaks in Morocco. You can stay at a Berber Guesthouse where you are going to be treated to local customs. There are also five star resorts and restaurants for those with a taste for the high life. There are trips that are going to fit into any budget and lifestyle choice.

There are flights that leave most of the main cities in Continental Europe so fitting a quick trip to Marrakech Riad can be done from any European destination you have chosen. If you are planning a trip to tour Europe, then you are definitely going to want to make a quick trip to Marrakech as well for the above reasons.

There are many package deals that are available when booking trips so make sure you speak to your travel agent and make sure you take a few days to visit this historic country. You are going to be able to find a package that easily suits your budget as well as your taste for travel. Do not miss out seeing one of the most picturesque countries in the world when you travel to Europe. It will be a short flight that is not going to put any extra strain on your current travel budget.

La vacanza perfetta Marocco - Riad di Marrakech

State programmando una vacanza in Marocco? Ci sono tante belle cose da vedere e da fare e Marrakech Riad può essere la destinazione da sogno quando volete vedere tutti che grande Marocco ha da offrire. A solo pochi passi dall'Europa, il Marocco è nel crocevia di dove l'Oriente incontra l'Occidente. Africa incontra il sud Europa e il Mediterraneo si fonde con l'Atlantico, dove si può godere il meglio dei due mondi in una combinazione interessante.

Marocco si trova nella parte superiore angolo a nord-ovest dell'Africa e ne condivide due oceani. Ha un ottimo clima mediterraneo quasi tutto l'anno e dispone di una favolosa, vibrante cultura con cose interessanti da vedere e da fare così. L'artigianato e l'arte sono anche favoriti di persone che vengono in Marocco per visitare.

Non importa in quale periodo dell'anno si recano in Marocco, si può godere un'esperienza favolosa. Se stai voglia di vedere magnifici minareti, palazzi medievali e bellissime moschee, allora una vacanza in Marocco si adatti perfettamente. È intenzione di essere importante trovare il giusto posto per rimanere, tuttavia, e questo può essere difficile, soprattutto se non sei mai stato lì prima.

Puoi trovare lusso bellissimo Riad a Marrakech, nel cuore della Medina dove si trovano il giardino esotico, affollato Bazar vibranti notturno così come molti mercati. Ci sono tanti motivi perché persone scelgono il Marocco come una vacanza perfetta.

Alcuni di questi includono:

· Voli economici-voli qui sono molto convenienti. Se stai vivendo o un viaggio in Spagna, è anche possibile fare su di un auto in Marocco per vedere i luoghi e sperimentare la cultura.

· Grandi cose da fare, c'è sempre qualcosa da fare in Marocco, così non vi annoierete. Il costo di attività di svago è anche molto conveniente che rende più facile per voi di godere di tutto questo grande luogo ha da offrire, anche se siete su un preventivo.

· Alloggio grande-è possibile soggiornare presso il fantastico Riad Marrakech senza rompere la banca. Trovare un posto fantastico per soggiornare e godere di un buon tempo giorno e notte e non devi spendere una fortuna per farlo.

Mentre siete su una perfetta vacanza in Marocco a Marrakech Riad, potrete trekking attraverso le montagne o godere le sabbie dorate del desertiche. Possono godere dei piaceri delle medine medievali nelle città e ottenere avvolto nella cultura esotica. Ci sono tanti motivi per venire a Marrakech Riad per la perfetta vacanza Marocco che si potrebbe voler iniziare a pianificare oggi.

Se si sta pianificando un viaggio in Marocco e cercate un posto fantastico dove stare, considerare Riad di Marrakech. Essi hanno favolosi alloggi a Marrakech [http://www.marrakech-riad.co.uk/reservations.php] e piacevole personale affinché il vostro soggiorno è la migliore che si possa immaginare.

Egypt Travel - Getting There and Around

Egypt's mystical and timeless appeal has for centuries seen the ancient country being ranked among the most spectacular sightseeing destinations in the world.

Egypt is reached by air, water as well as road and rail. Those travelling by air can come in through Cairo International Airport, Alexandria, Nozah, Luxor and Aswan in Upper Egypt, Hurghaba in the Red Sea area, and Sharm El-Sheikh in South Sinai.

There are several airliners that offer Egypt flights including British Airways, Alitalia, Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Royal Dutch Airlines, and Thai Airways International.

In addition to airports there are a number of marine harbors for those that prefer to travel by sea. For those travelling on the Mediterranean Sea, the ports of Alexandria, Port Said, and Damietta are all possible entry points. There is also a port right at the Gulf of Suez and another, the port of Nuweiba on the Gulf of Aqaba. The Red Sea offers three options for travellers; the ports of Hurghaba, Safaga, and Sharm El-Sheikh.

For those who prefer road trips, there are three overland entry posts. The Salloum entry post is located on the northwestern border (for those coming in from Libya). The famous Rafah crossing is on the northeastern border for those coming in from the Gaza strip, the Occupied Territories, and Israel. On the eastern border there is a post at Taba for those coming in from Israel.

Getting the right paper work and visa is essential to a stress free entry into Egypt. Non-Egyptian visitors arriving in Egypt are required to be in possession of a valid passport. Visas can be obtained from either the Egyptian Diplomatic and consular Missions Abroad, the Entry Visa Department, or from Immigration and Nationality Administration (TDINA). However it is possible for visitors to obtain an entry visa at any major points of entry.

Visitors entering Egypt at the overland border post to Taba to visit Gulf of Aqaba coast and St. Catherine can be exempted from visa and granted a free residence permit for fourteen days to visit the area. Citizens of the following countries are required to be in possession of a pre-arrival visa: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chechnya, Croatia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Lebanon, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, The Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sri-Lanka, Tadzhikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and all African countries.

Those in possession of a residence permit in Egypt are not required to obtain an entry visa if they leave the country and return to it within the validity of their residence permit or within six months, whichever period is less. There are three kinds of visas to Egypt. Tourist visas are usually valid for a period not exceeding three months and granted on either single or multiple entry basis. Entry visa are required of any visitors arriving in Egypt for purposes such as work, and study that are not related to tourism. This visa is necessary for the completion of the residence procedure in Egypt. Transit visas are made available to travellers transiting through Egypt. Once in Egypt, visitors have different options to get around the country in an easy and comfortable way. The options range from car rental, luxury trains, and coaches to domestic flights to connect tourist cities.

If you are coming in through Cairo International, you have the option of renting a limousine with fixed fees according to your accommodation location from the airport, or use Cairo airport transportation service which covers all the country and airports. You can request for this service through your travel agent or from the information desk at the airport.

The easiest and most common way of moving within any city is by taxis. This are easily available in the major cities, Cairo, for instance, has a fleet of air-conditioned and metered yellow cabs. One is whoever advised to book their taxis at least an hour before their intended time for their trip. In some cases it is recommended that you ask for a receipt as proof of payment to avoid any inconvenience later. Alternatively one could catch a regular taxi on the street or even in front of their hotel. They are usually coloured depending on the city they operate in. in Alexandria they are yellow and black, in Cairo they are black and white. It is very important to know the colour codes in different cities so that you minimize risks.

Egypt's major cities have a healthy bus system within and between the cities. Examples of which are Super Jet, Delta and Upper Egypt buses. They go from city to city and they provide catering facilities, toilets and on board entertainment. The con in travelling with buses is that they stop far too often thus taking too long especially on long distance trips. Rail travel is highly recommended for long distance travel.

The underground, which is comprised of two long lines, is the cheapest and fastest way to move inside Cairo and Giza governorate especially in the rush hours (from 2 pm to 5pm). The first, from Helwan to El Marg has 33 stops; the second, from Giza to Shoubra El Khema has 18 stops. Note that the first carriage on each train is always strictly for women. Summer working hours are from 6:00 am to 1:00 am and winter working hours are from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Many transportation companies offer a wide choice of luxury cars and coaches with well trained drivers. Car rental agencies are represented in the major cities as well as the international and domestic airports. The train is one of the best ways to travel between major Egyptian cities.

Three kinds of trains are available: the ordinary, the express, and the turbo. The express and the turbo are the more expensive options, but they come with the advantage of a pampered journey taking you to your destination rapidly with all catering facilities and air-conditioning. An excellent turbo train service is available between Cairo and main cities around the country. The train takes about two hours to go from Cairo to Alexandria.

For those who prefer to travel by air locally, Egypt Air - the national carrier - links most of the tourist cities in Egypt with its reliable domestic flights. It is possible to fly directly from Luxor to Sharm El Sheikh or Alexandria.

Samuel Maina is online travel writer for Africa point Limited, an Africa specialist travel agent, offering online reservation services for hotels, airline tickets, rental cars, tours and safaris to 13 African countries. Read some of his works on http://www.africapoint.net and http://www.africapoint.com.

Viaggi e turismo In Marocco

Allo stesso modo molti altri paesi del mondo Marocco rappresenta anche alcune belle e famose mete e luoghi che sono abbastanza popolari attraverso il Nord Africa. Il governo del Marocco sta mettendo i suoi sforzi al fine di accumulare sempre più risorse per sviluppare l'infrastruttura generale dello stato ed è per questo che migliaia di opere costruttive può essere visto in molte delle città popolare del paese. Diversi luoghi famosi e le città sono la chiave caratteristica attraente per i turisti e i visitatori prenotazione loro voli a Marocco molti dei viaggiatori da Europa soprattutto da Londra godere il loro viaggio in Marocco. Alcuni luoghi famosi e chiavi per i visitatori in Marocco sono come segue;

Giardini martina

Moschea Koutoubia

Regione di Marrakech

Costa mediterranea di Saidia

Sahara marocchino

Casablanca Twin Center

Montagne del Rif

Questi luoghi favolosi e sorprendenti tutti sono una fonte importante per catturare l'attenzione del cliente e migliaia di africani ed internazionali passeggeri in viaggio per questo bellissimo stato del Marocco, attraverso i loro voli economici a Marocco. Questi tutti i posti sono vale la pena guardare e turisti hanno mostrato un grande interesse in tutti questi luoghi. Alcuni passeggeri cercando di viaggiare in Marocco attraverso loro voli internazionali a scopo visita preferiscono viaggiare diverse città del Marocco e per questo motivo che viaggiano a Casablanca, Rabat, Ifrane, Tangeri e molte altre città bella e ben sviluppata. Ci sono cose diverse di ogni uno interesse ci sono alcune parti del paese che sono assolutamente sorprendente e hanno un unico degno agli occhi dei viaggiatori. Servizi ausiliari sono fornite a tutti i passeggeri e viaggiatori, un viaggio in Marocco per la prima volta nella loro vita. Per avere un volo low cost per il Marocco basta visitare il nostro sito e risparmiare tempo e denaro per la qualità e il viaggio aereo tranquillo.

Sono un grande amante della musica e l'amore per unire parti di tarda notte. Il mese scorso ho preso mio voli verso Marocco [http://www.flightstomorocco.org.uk/] e trovato una varietà di luoghi con entusiasmanti attività di vita notturna.

An Overview of Morocco and Her Famous Places

Morocco is one of the major countries in North Africa having an overall population of almost 39 million where lots of travelers travel each year making this country one of the top attractions in this North African region. This beautiful destination is a home to so many attractions and attracts most of the art lovers because of her natural and scenic beauty. Thus morocco flights can lead you to these destinations and famous hotspots and can be a source of delight and comfort during your air travel to this shining destination. The tourism industry has a major role in the economy of the state and the government on the other hand also facilitates and promotes the travel and tourism in the country.

The weather and the climatic conditions in this state are considered to be quite assisting and helpful for the travelers and visitors. The beautiful scenery, lovely and charming beaches and some quite and relaxed paces make this country a hotspot for foreign tourists and investors and so many overseas property buyers who want to invest their finance in the real state. There are so many flights to Morocco flying from many major destinations of the world carrying travelers and tourists and the business professionals as well. The statistics and the past data reveals this fact that the country's pace of progress in increasing as it is becoming more and more developed and well recognized destination in North Africa.

Traveling to Morocco brings you to avail so many opportunities to travel so many famous and worldly popular destinations like Ait-Ben-Haddou, Asilah, Casablanca, Fes, Marrakech City, Meknes, Sahara Desert, Tangiers, Tetouan, The Todra Gorge where you can feel quite comfortable and relaxed. There are lots of business opportunities in these glorious destinations where you can invest your finance to expect some decent returns. However mostly the business professionals prefer to purchase business class tickets for their flights to Morocco and experience a safe and secure journey.

If you are traveling to Rabat the capital city of Morocco you can find this city quite well developed where a huge flock of passengers travel to. There are three major airports in this country where you can travel through after having your cheap flights to Morocco as these three airports are located in Tangier, Agadi, and Casablanca. Those flights coming from long air routes arrive at Casablanca airport as Casablanca is one of the most glorious and dazzling city of Morocco.

Last Month I took a tour to Morocco with my family by reserving with flights to Morocco [http://www.flightstomorocco.org.uk/] and really enjoyed there

L'avventura del Marocco

Some experiences are thought to create psychological and physiological arousal by an exciting, unusual, bold, risky and uncertain undertaking termed adventure. It is a major pursuit of it in itself. An adventurer or adventuress is the one who believes in the existence of fun from risks in life; be it physical, financial or psychological for the recreation with excitement endured in the process. Travelling can be the most satisfying adventure involving exploration and tourism to remote, exotic as well as hostile areas by stepping out of one's own comfort zone.

Struck by Lonely Planet or Travelogues, Africa is place of deprivations but not when it comes to adventurous explorations. With every turn of the head, there is something new and exciting to venture out into being one of the many authentic destinations. It's second to Egypt as a North African holiday destination.

It is a constitutional monarchy located in the North Africa. The political capital of the country is "Rabat" with "Casablanca" being the largest city. It has always been known for its Islamic liberalism and openness towards the Western world. Morocco is a diverse place with culture and geography. Languages spoken here are Darija (Moroccan Arabic), French and Berber. Same way Moroccan literature is written in Arabic, Berber and French. Rock-influenced chaabi bands are widespread with trance music with historical origins in Muslim Sufi music.

The landscapes are a wild mix up of mountainous regions, calm coastal enclaves and barren deserts. Morocco borders Algeria to the east, Spain (through the Straits of Gibraltar) to the north and Mauritania with the Western Sahara to south. There is miserable climatic variation in the country. In the north, around Tangiers and the Rif Mountains; sunny and dry summers run from May to September. South experiences desert climate with very little rain, soaring temperatures during the day and sharp drops to cooler temperatures at night. During rainy season, The Atlantic coast receives rain and during winters, the High Atlas Mountains are blessed with snow.

There are frequent flights from most major European cities to Morocco and an option of overland travel through Europe via the Straits of Gibraltar. The infrastructure in Morocco is good with well serviced roads and public transport in the North as well as Central regions but further south the roads get narrower plus bumpier. The major cities of Morocco are Marrakech, Fès, Tangier, Casablanca and Rabat. Notable fact is that Morocco is the starting point for travelling all across Africa.

The country is divided into three natural regions. The fertile northern coastal plain along the Mediterranean contains Er Rif; the rich plateaus and lowlands lying between the Atlas Mountains. It extends in three parallel ranges from the Atlantic coast in the southwest to Algeria and the Mediterranean in the northeast. The semiarid area in southern and eastern Morocco merges into the Sahara Desert. Morocco has the most extensive river system in North Africa with most of the rivers flowing towards the Atlantic or Sahara. The Moulouya is an exception and flows to the Mediterranean. Principal rivers of the country are Oumer River, Sebou, Bou Regreg, Tensift, Draa, Sous, Ziz and Gheris. Its 1800 kilometers of coastline offers exhilarating waterborne and wind loving activities in this region. Seaside entertainments include surfing, kite surfing, wind surfing, Trekking, rafting, mountain biking, off-road driving are inland sources to boost up the adrenaline.

The best time to visit the place is the autumn as it marks the end of the Muslim period of fasting, Ramadan. Though the accommodation prices hike, it is the time to dive into the winding streets of the Fès medina or even snag you a wife at Imilchil's Berber Marriage festival. The warm days and cool nights of autumn offer a great deal with nature in Morocco. The High Atlas Mountains, the Anti-Atlas Mountains with volcanic Mt. Siroua, Mountain Jebel Toubkal (North Africa's highest peak), Rif Mountains in the north and the gorgeous Ameln Valley hold the major attraction for trekking destinations. Set beneath the peaks of the Rif Mountains with red-tiled roofs, bright blue buildings, and narrow lanes converging on a delightful square; "Chefchaouen" is one of the prettiest towns in Morocco. Avoid visiting the place in August due to the immense heat it tolerates at that time and the holy month of Ramadan when most of the restaurants will be shut during the day.

The currency utilized here is Dirham (Dh) with 8.15 Dirham equal to 1 US Dollar. The common phrases of communication with the Moroccans whose most cherished possession is their dignity are Ssalamu'lekum (hello, literally peace be upon you); Shukran Bezzef (thank you very much) and Insh'allah (God willing). Handshakes are the customary greeting between individuals but are somewhat weak according to western standards.

The people of Morocco are well-known for their warmth, hospitality and inhibition. It is very common to be showered with invitations for coffee or tea throughout one's stay. The cuisine of Morocco is rated among the best in the world and falls into two specific categories. The first category requires intensive supervision and the host do not participate in the preparations. No women are present and the male host merely oversees the banquet with his sons and servants. Men squat on mattresses or pillows around low and beautifully laid tables. A silver ewer of perfumed water is taken around and poured over three fingers of the right hand of each guest. The host claps his hands to begin the meal. One course after another and each delicacy is served until Chban (complete satiation) is achieved. To finish the Savor, silver ewer filled with warm water is presented to clean the mouth, lips and hands.

The meal is considered as a feast for the Gods which begins and ends with Bismillah (God's blessing). In the second category of cookery, the dishes are prepared with love and care by the mistresses of the homes (Dadas). She spends hours with her glazed earthenware with copper cooking dishes, her kanoun (the movable clay brazier) and the charcoal to perfume the kebabs which allows the sauces to simmer under its heat. A folded carpet serves as a seat. The Dada is dressed in a long colorful robe with the scents of coriander, cumin, saffron, marjoram and onion mingling with the pungency of olive oil as well as the sweetness of sandalwood, mint plus roses to delight the senses. The dinner starts with Bstilla, followed by the typical brochette or kebab flavored with bits of beef or lamb fat. Next comes the Tajine (chicken or meat in a spicy stew which has been simmered for many hours) served with a flat homemade bread called Khubz. In Morocco, as in most Arab lands; every household makes its own bread. After the Tajine, a Batinjaan Zalud (eggplant salad or chopped tomato salad) is served as a separate course. After this, Couscous Marrakesh, the marvelous Moroccan national dish made of semolina with each grain separate from the other is served. The dinner is completed with slices or wedges of peeled melon La Morocaine pastries made with honey and almond land finally a small glass of mint tea. The following dinner is a very much simplified version but it is delicious gives the "feel" of Morocco.

To know the high risk associated with the trip and avoidance to death, check the latest travel news and advisories with current government warnings if you are heading to the area for the history of explosions. Travelling to the Western Sahara region of Morocco is not advised due to the presence of landmines. Though amidst all the fuss; Moroccan adventure caravan tour, North morocco plus Fez Escape tour, Moroccan adventure holiday and self drive tours to the southern coast of Morocco can be a boon to an adventurous mind. Morocco is enlightened with such undoubtedly splendid pride and vastness available in resources to fulfill the lavish hunger for adventure, food and life. It can surely be an obsession that would make one smile with an inspiration to give.

Best Travel Destinations to Visit With Cheap Airfares

Whether you are going with family, friends, or alone, for business or pleasure, or to enjoy the nature, adventures and romance, get on without any delay for your dream place. There are many destinations that you can visit with a cheap airline fare. Now-a-days, the travel agencies offer many all-inclusive packages, responding to the expectations of the tourists, at very reasonable rates. These agencies organize their stay, sight-seeing, and other additional activities as well. For instance, Wild Discovery, one of the most active travel agencies in the market, tries to offer the best services to the customer.

If you are planning to go for a honeymoon, then the Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Thailand, Malaysia, or the Caribbean are the most-favored places. These dreamy destinations are full of a kind of romantic ambiance suitable for the newlyweds. The heat of the sun, enticing beaches, scuba diving to see the spectacular wrecks laden with corals and sponges and fish and turtle shelters, Getaway Sailing, care and massages based marine products; everything attracts the lovers. Couples like Europe: Prague, Budapest, and Vienna, and Central America.

With regard to families, the Mediterranean is the most-liked destination having Cyprus, Greek Islands, Morocco, Turkey, Tunisia and Cote d'Azur. Cyprus is an ideal place for relaxation. In Morocco, the family can enjoy the dunes, oases and palm groves. Enjoy exploring the valley of roses. Cheap airline tickets to Morocco are available online. China is also an attractive tourist destination. Its main characteristics are its legendary cities, wonderful scenes, its culinary arts, traditions and the charm of its modern cities.

To make your traveling safer, enjoyable, and above all, economic, you must select a travel agency that is renowned and experienced. It will help you to make your plans according to your budget, your tastes and requirements. Before buying any package, it is very important to know about the facilities included in the package. Though the all-inclusive schemes are very popular, you must see whether it matches your expectations or not. The global service includes not only low-cost flights, transfers and hotel, but also many other activities and some meals. It is better to use the prepaid cards instead of carrying cash that can be stolen or lost. Thus, enjoy the best travel destinations with cheap airfares.

Agenzia di viaggi Marocco - consigli per un'avventura vacanza in Marocco

Attenzione tutti i drogati di avventura! Contrariamente alla credenza popolare, il Marocco non è quasi tutti i mercati e la splendida città cosmopolita. Ci sono molte cose da vedere per quelli in viaggio alternativo, eccentriche. Ecco alcuni consigli che ho ricevuto da un'agenzia di viaggi Marocco sulle cose interessanti da fare sulla mia vacanza in Marocco:

Il Marocco è un paese di paesaggi mozzafiati e affascinante città, quindi se il vostro senso di avventura coinvolge l'amore di altezze, siete dentro per un ossequio. Immaginate di partire su una mongolfiera da Marrakech e pacificamente scivolano sulla Marocco mentre vi godete il paesaggio mozzafiato. L'agenzia di viaggi Marocco che ho passato per l'aria calda mongolfiera avventura comprendeva anche una visita in un villaggio per avere tè alla menta e pane al forno di casa, pur confondendosi con una famiglia berbera locale.

Per coloro che sono in azione in più rispetto a una lenta deriva attraverso l'aria, voli in elicottero personale sono disponibili. Molti itinerari sono disponibili se si sceglie questa opzione, e questi tour possono durare tra un esaltante dodici minuti a un ampio 4,5 ore.

Un tour in elicottero più completa e avvolgente che vi consiglio è quella Atlas Tour, che prende circa un'ora per completare. In questa escursione, è possibile visualizzare il drammatico scenario delle montagne dell'Atlante Takerkoust Lake, Ouirgane, Toubkal, Oukaimeden, la valle dell'Ourika e Marrakech.

Voglia di un quad-bike da corsa intorno alla città? Gli amanti della bici ameranno l'esperienza di costeggiando intorno Palm Grove, dove si può zip intorno, ammirando il pittoresca 'regione verde' di Marrakech che è sede di alcune delle più belle case di lusso, campi da golf e Alberghi nel mondo. Si arriva anche a visitare la famosa oasi di Piste di Marrakech, cavalcare alcuni impressionanti dune e visitare alcuni villaggi berberi prima sosta per godersi una pausa tè con alcuni dei locali.

Se siete dopo una più strutturata esperienza nel deserto sotto forma di un tour di diversi giorni con una guida, queste sono anche disponibili presso qualsiasi agenzia di viaggi Marocco buona. Queste agenzie di viaggio possono anche essere in grado di personalizzare un itinerario adatto a voi che incorpora quadriciclo equitazione, giri in elicottero e mongolfiera.

Spero vi piaccia la tua emozionante avventura Marocco vacanze. Una volta che si verifica il lato selvaggio di questo incredibile paese, non vorrete mai lasciare!

Viaggio in Marocco Agenzia di viaggi ha sede a Marrakech, Marocco e offre lusso privato agenzia di viaggi Marocco servizi, tra cui una guida turistica Marocco, per i pacchetti di viaggio Marocco adatti a famiglie, coppie, singoli e piccoli gruppi a prezzi convenienti. Contatta http://www.voyagetomorocco.com/ per organizzare la vostra vacanza Marocco migliore mai!

Real Estate Property Investment Series: Focus Morocco 2007

The Moroccan government realised that the way forward for their nation in terms of creating employment and boosting the economy significantly was to increase tourism and to create an environment so attractive for investors that they would come in their droves and buy up real estate stock.

To that end the government has been promoting Morocco around the world - there is a permanent stand at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida heralding the virtues of this North African nation that practically touches Europe across the Mediterranean Sea that divides it from mainland Spain for example, and now the skies over Morocco are open to cheap flight operators from across Europe and the UK. The nation has year round sunshine and is directly south and a short flying time from affluent Western Europe and all of these factors are starting to affect Morocco positively.

In 2006 in the first nine months alone tourism traffic was up almost 10% on the previous year with revenue generated from tourism up almost 30% which proves that the government are targeting the 'right' sort of tourist - i.e., the ones who come, stay, enjoy and spend money in Morocco! Looking to the longer term the Moroccan government has plans to increase tourism until 10 million visitors annually enter the nation by 2010. There are even plans afoot to build a tunnel under the sea to connect Morocco to Gibraltar in Europe...

'But why all this information about tourism' I hear you ask?

Because it is the tourism market that property investors in Morocco are targeting. On the one hand they are targeting those seeking villa and apartment rental and on the other hand they are aware that today's holiday maker is tomorrow's second, retirement or holiday home buyer. And investors really are in Morocco buying up and developing real estate stock. Already six brand new coastal resorts are in the planning and development stages, money is flooding in from Dubai and Qatar based development companies and European buyers are purchasing off plan knowing full well that their real estate assets are appreciating even before they are completed and handed over. Buyers in 2007 have a chance to buy in ahead of the continued predicted rise in tourism and before Morocco is established in many people's minds as a place to invest in real estate.

Consider buying off plan and flipping stock or better still, simply buying and renting to the tourism market on the Atlantic or Mediterranean coasts or in the mountainous ski resort of Oukaimeden. Rental income is earned tax free in Morocco for the first five years and those who hold property for ten years or more pay no capital gains tax when they resell, furthermore one is not subject to local inheritance tax in Morocco either. In conclusion - Morocco offers an investor a wealth of opportunity. Basically an investor needs to consider his preferred investment approach and his target market and then seek suitable real estate with room for growth or with prospects for returning good yields.

Rhiannon Williamson writes about property investment worldwide, to read more about property investment in Morocco [http://www.amberlamb.com/index.php/property/morocco/] in 2007 and beyond visit her site [http://www.amberlamb.com]

Air Arabia volo mira a diventare uno dei migliori LCC nel mondo

Con paesi mediorientali emergenti come il turismo e i grandi industriali, tecnologici centri, hanno iniziato loro visita per lavoro e piacere. Questo ha portato ad un aumento del numero di compagnie aeree che collegano queste posizioni. Con questo aumento nell'afflusso di traffico aereo, prenotazione biglietti di volo internazionale ha assistito a un aumento importante su queste rotte. Come un diretto impatto di questa Spinta, un certo numero di linee aeree hanno iniziato loro aeromobile in ed intorno a questa regione. Questi vettori concentrano principalmente sulle nazioni arabe di collegamento con il resto del mondo. Una tale compagnia, a questo proposito, è Air Arabia, che era il primo vettore low-cost, o LCC, per iniziare i suoi servizi in Medio Oriente.

Introducendo il modello Low cost al mondo arabo

Questa compagnia aerea ha avviato i servizi nell'ottobre 2003 con voli per destinazioni nel sud e Asia centrale, Nord Africa, Europa e Medio Oriente. Introduzione di questo modello di basso costo in questa regione ha ricevuto una risposta opprimente da passeggeri e condotto ad un aumento nell'afflusso turistico. Questo vettore ora vola verso diverse destinazioni in tutto il mondo dal suo hub di Marocco e aeroporto di Alessandria in Egitto e Sharjah International Airport e aeroporto internazionale di Mohamed V di Casablanca.

Il concetto di modello di basso costo principalmente comporta la riduzione del costo del volo impiegando alcune tattiche intelligenti, che includono l'uso di voli leggero e cambiamento della base aerea posizione economicamente sostenibile. Tali vettori possono permettersi di fornire che ai suoi passeggeri ridotto i prezzi dei biglietti rispetto ad altre linee aeree pieno titolo. Questo risultato è abbastanza evidente nei tassi di biglietto volo Air Arabia, che sono spesso visto come il più basso tra i suoi contemporanei.

Servizi di Air Arabia

Air Arabia aspira a fornire le migliori tariffe di viaggio, combinati insieme con eccezionali servizi in volo. Il vettore offre che molti servizi online, come la prenotazione del biglietto e il check-in, informazioni riguardanti lo stato del volo, sedile indennità di disponibilità e bagaglio, che vengono visualizzati sulla maggior parte dei portali di viaggio. Questi siti vengono aggiornati ventiquattro per tenere aggiornati con le ultime modifiche e sviluppi di passeggeri e inoltre permette di effettuare il check-in tramite internet, aiutandoli così a risparmiare loro tempo prezioso. Prenotazione online di Air Arabia può essere fatto anche comodamente attraverso questi portali online con requisiti minimi come un ID di posta elettronica valido e dettagli della carta di credito o di debito.

L'aumento graduale della prenotazioni di volo riflette il livello di soddisfazione del cliente ha ottenuto da questo vettore. Questo ha dato una Spinta enorme per il business di Air Arabia, provocando l'impennata delle sue destinazioni. La compagnia aerea è anche impaziente per aumentare la dimensione della sua flotta, che fino ad ora composto da aeromobili Airbus A320. Inoltre, sta progettando di aprire un quarto hub per gestire la crescente domanda dei suoi clienti. Con questi ultimi sviluppi in tempi recenti, questo vettore low-cost è gradualmente spostando verso l'adempimento il suo obiettivo di diventare una delle compagnie aeree più favorite in tutto il mondo.

Volo di Air Arabia è la migliore opzione quando stai cercando compagnie low cost per la prenotazione del biglietto di volo internazionale. Air Arabia offre molti servizi online e prenotazione biglietti offre con prezzo speciale di volta in volta. Per usufruire di tali sconti e offerte che per pianificare il vostro viaggio in anticipo prima di tempo sufficiente che posso suggerire come un aria hai guida turistica.

Visit Morocco With Flights to Casablanca Available at Budget Prices

Just across the Strait of Gibraltar, on the coast of North Africa facing the Atlantic Ocean, lies Casablanca. This cosmopolitan city blends the customs of the orient with the open ways of the Western world and is amongst the most fascinating cities to explore. With the wide range of packages and cheap tickets to Casablanca you can find nowadays, this city offers tourists fascinating cultural sites, natural spots and sparkling nightlife as well as an extensive choice of dining options.

All flights to Casablanca arrive at the Mohammed V Airport situated 30 km from the city center. The airport is currently undergoing a major expansion and will soon be offering topnotch facilities for all travelers and increased chances to find cheap tickets to Casablanca.

Casablanca is no doubt Morocco's commercial capital, where Arab customs and western modern trends offer a kaleidoscope of contrasts within the walls of a city that essentially revolves around commerce and trade.

The Hassan II Mosque is Casablanca's landmark with its monumental structure that can welcome up to 2,500 worshippers within its walls and 80,000 in the outside gardens. The Old and New Medina are also worth visiting, notably the Old Medina with its two surviving gates through the old town walls where the tomb of Sidi Allal el-Kairouni lies as well as a fortress and a jewelry market.

The best markets and restaurants as well as shopping centers lie on the northeastern fringe of the city on the Atlantic Ocean. Here you will also find the typical Souks and street markets where magnificent carpets and leather goods can be bought at extremely good prices.

Here, hotel luxury and superior service makes for a truly relaxing beach vacation under the warm dry sun. The Corniche Beach is a good place to consider when planning to relax or go for a swim. The Ain Diab is the nearest to the city center stretching for over a mile of white sand and dotted with beach clubs and dining facilities.

Casablanca offers international and delicious Middle Eastern cuisine, downtown Casablanca being the best area in which to find a good restaurant. You may also try the Medina, where you can get a typical dish for only a few dollars.

With cheap flight to Casablanca you can also find great bargains for accommodation. Hotels range from luxury to low budget, whose prices vary considerably according to the rating of the hotel.

Casablanca boasts a warm Mediterranean climate with the summer temperatures averaging 24°C and winter temperatures usually remaining around 15°C.

Angelina Christy is a travel author who has written many articles that keeps on guiding the travellers throughout the world like flights to Casablanca. Angelina herself is an avid traveler who has travelled more than 22 countries. She also talk about travel options like Cheap Flights that explains how tourists can minimise the cost of their travel fares.

Morocco - A Destination That Has Everything

Morocco is a top holiday destination with something to offer just about everyone, from relaxing beach stays to activity holidays walking in the Atlas Mountain. Marrakech, the busy, bustling city, dating back to the 11th century, is filled curious sprawling souks, (markets) with an abundance of local traders and craftsmen including jewelers, potters, shoemakers and more. It is the home of haggling and impossible to leave without some small bargain. In the infamous Djemaa el-Fna Square the atmosphere is intoxicating and is the heart of Marrakech. You will be overwhelmed by the smells wafting over from the food stalls, the moving colours of the jugglers and snake charmers that vie for your attention. Marrakech is so hectic, but a wonderful world away from any British city, that you will need a break after visiting. Away from the pushy dominating city, Morocco actually has a lot more to offer.

The Atlas Mountains are only an hour away from Marrakech but you feel you've been transported to another time. Tranquil valleys, fertile pasture lands and snow-capped mountains are home to the more traditional Moroccans, the Berbers, and the country villagers. Set between the Sahara and Atlantic coast, the mountains can be walked, or trekked, all year round. In the summer the Atlas provide a cooling breeze as you trek through villages of small flat-roofed Berber houses which blend seamlessly into the mountains. In winter, more serious trekkers head up Mt Toubkal to summit the highest mountain in North Africa, during the harsh, cold and snowy weather. To summit Toubkal which reaches 4,167m high, is for most trekkers a feather in their cap but it is achievable for experienced mountain climbers and the very fit during the warmer months. There are so many trails and paths to follow that it is advisable to stay up in mountains for at least two days to give you a chance to really explore the area. There are some fantastic cheap gite d'etapes, (village houses with simple dormitory rooms), offering basic but clean accommodation. For those looking for a little extra comfort, you'll find beautiful mountain retreats, set high in the hills perhaps with a pool. The Atlas Mountains are somewhere to get away from modern, fast-paced life and take a step back.

Away from the mountains heading south, lays the Sahara Desert. The Sahara, the largest hot desert in the world, borders the Atlantic to the west and the Red Sea to the east and the Atlas Mountains to the north in Morocco. Some of its sand dunes can reach up to 18m in height providing the perfect platform to view this vast sand sea. Watching the sunrise over this incredible landscape is breathtaking and something not to be missed on your Morocco holiday. The Sahara is of course the best place too, to try out camel riding. The camel has been the chosen mode of transport in the desert for centuries and these sturdy, if a little temperamental, animals will take you across the sands as revel in the silence and solitude. Sleeping under the desert skies is also a treat, as the clear skies provide optimum astronomical viewing and the chance to glimpse the Milky Way. For the more active you can sand board down the dunes, take bouncy jeep rides or trek through the desert.

If hiking in the Atlas and camel riding through the desert isn't enough, you can always head to the Ourika River for a spot of white water rafting or the coastal port of Essaouira to swim in the sea or sunbath on the long sandy beach. Morocco is a destination that has just about everything, it is cheap, has plenty of activities for adults and children, an abundance of history and amazing food. The weather is pleasant most of the year and there are plenty of budget airlines that make daily flights from the UK. Morocco is ideal for activity holidays, beach trips and cultural exploration.

Morocco - A Destination That Has Everything

Morocco is a top holiday destination with something to offer just about everyone, from relaxing beach stays to activity holidays walking in the Atlas Mountain. Marrakech, the busy, bustling city, dating back to the 11th century, is filled curious sprawling souks, (markets) with an abundance of local traders and craftsmen including jewelers, potters, shoemakers and more. It is the home of haggling and impossible to leave without some small bargain. In the infamous Djemaa el-Fna Square the atmosphere is intoxicating and is the heart of Marrakech. You will be overwhelmed by the smells wafting over from the food stalls, the moving colours of the jugglers and snake charmers that vie for your attention. Marrakech is so hectic, but a wonderful world away from any British city, that you will need a break after visiting. Away from the pushy dominating city, Morocco actually has a lot more to offer.

The Atlas Mountains are only an hour away from Marrakech but you feel you've been transported to another time. Tranquil valleys, fertile pasture lands and snow-capped mountains are home to the more traditional Moroccans, the Berbers, and the country villagers. Set between the Sahara and Atlantic coast, the mountains can be walked, or trekked, all year round. In the summer the Atlas provide a cooling breeze as you trek through villages of small flat-roofed Berber houses which blend seamlessly into the mountains. In winter, more serious trekkers head up Mt Toubkal to summit the highest mountain in North Africa, during the harsh, cold and snowy weather. To summit Toubkal which reaches 4,167m high, is for most trekkers a feather in their cap but it is achievable for experienced mountain climbers and the very fit during the warmer months. There are so many trails and paths to follow that it is advisable to stay up in mountains for at least two days to give you a chance to really explore the area. There are some fantastic cheap gite d'etapes, (village houses with simple dormitory rooms), offering basic but clean accommodation. For those looking for a little extra comfort, you'll find beautiful mountain retreats, set high in the hills perhaps with a pool. The Atlas Mountains are somewhere to get away from modern, fast-paced life and take a step back.

Away from the mountains heading south, lays the Sahara Desert. The Sahara, the largest hot desert in the world, borders the Atlantic to the west and the Red Sea to the east and the Atlas Mountains to the north in Morocco. Some of its sand dunes can reach up to 18m in height providing the perfect platform to view this vast sand sea. Watching the sunrise over this incredible landscape is breathtaking and something not to be missed on your Morocco holiday. The Sahara is of course the best place too, to try out camel riding. The camel has been the chosen mode of transport in the desert for centuries and these sturdy, if a little temperamental, animals will take you across the sands as revel in the silence and solitude. Sleeping under the desert skies is also a treat, as the clear skies provide optimum astronomical viewing and the chance to glimpse the Milky Way. For the more active you can sand board down the dunes, take bouncy jeep rides or trek through the desert.

If hiking in the Atlas and camel riding through the desert isn't enough, you can always head to the Ourika River for a spot of white water rafting or the coastal port of Essaouira to swim in the sea or sunbath on the long sandy beach. Morocco is a destination that has just about everything, it is cheap, has plenty of activities for adults and children, an abundance of history and amazing food. The weather is pleasant most of the year and there are plenty of budget airlines that make daily flights from the UK. Morocco is ideal for activity holidays, beach trips and cultural exploration.

Surf's Up Morocco - Making Waves in Africa

The legendary surf spots of Tahiti, Hawaii and Fiji are known for firing up the imagination of salty surf dogs around the world, but few amateur surfers will ever get to sample their waves. These places really only belong in surf magazine and videos and are the territory of pro surfers on big sponsor budgets, and not the sort of place the average weekend surfer from the UK could afford.

However, there is a land that offers inexpensive living, uncrowned beaches and breaks, consistent surf not to mention great food and friendly locals, and all only a short flight from the UK. It's name? Morocco.

Sat on the very north of the mighty African continent, yet just a short boat ride from the British Territory of Gibraltar, Morocco has some 3500km of coastline with offer surfers a huge choice of breaks. American and Australian surfers were responsible for bringing the sport to Moroccan shores in the 1970s, but it is now largely Europeans looking to escape the cold winter climates and the growing leagues of local Moroccans, who dominate the waves.

There are hundreds of secret spots all down the coast, but some of the better known areas include Banana beach - ideal for beginners; Panaromas - a right hand point break, but with a strong rip current; Hash Point - another right hand point with easy entry from a small sandy beach, Anchor point - a favourite with the locals meaning it can get crowded, and is therefore best suited to intermediate or expert surfers only and Killer Point - named after the fact that occasionally killer whales can be seen there, and is renowned for being one of the best waves in the area. It requires a 20 minute paddle out to reach the break, so you'll need to be fit to make it, but once you do, you'll be able to enjoy a very long right hander, with waves up to 12 feet in height.

Accommodation in Morocco is available in the form of small hotels, holiday villas or dorm-style hostels, which can be found all long the coastline. Many are specially geared towards surfers, offering secure board storage, wet suit hire and chill out zones.

Western surfers should keep an eye on their bags, as some of the locals will be only too happy to offer their 'baggage carrying' services, in return for a few dollars, especially in busy places like airports and train stations. However, the locals are generally warm, friendly and welcoming.

With little in the way of localism to worry about, more and more European surfers are heading

Moroccan National Tourist Office launch the third edition of MEET Morocco 2014

The Moroccan National Tourist Office is delighted to announce the launch of the 2014 edition of MEET Morocco. This 92-page, high-quality publication highlights Morocco's suitability as a destination for meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions, with features on the kingdom's principal regions, the main visitor activities, new infrastructure and hospitality developments, meetings facilities and a comprehensive list of hotels.

The 2014 edition of Meet Morocco is now available to read online!

MEET Morocco, which will be officially launched at EIBTM in Barcelona on November 20th, is a valuable tool for meetings and event planners, offering comprehensive information about meetings, conferences and incentives facilities in the country.

Features in MEET Morocco 2014 include: Morocco and Vision 2020 - New developments - Meetings overview - Agadir - Casablanca - El-Jadida - Essaouira - Fez & Meknes - Marrakech - Rabat - Tangiers - Golf - Atlas Mountains - Eco Tourism - Spas and wellness - Hotel overview and factsheets - Alternative meetings venues - Shopping - Dining & Nightlife - Getting around.

Meet Morocco is the third collaboration between Nicholas Publishing International and the Moroccan National Tourist Office, following earlier MEET Morocco titles published in 2002 and 2009.

Viaggio Egitto - come arrivare e dintorni

Appello mistico e senza tempo dell'Egitto ha visto, per secoli, antico paese essendo classificato tra le destinazioni turistiche più spettacolari del mondo.

Egitto è raggiunto da aria, acqua come strada e rotaia. Chi viaggia in aereo può venire in attraverso aeroporto internazionale del Cairo, Alessandria, Nozah, Luxor e Assuan, in Egitto, Hurghaba nella zona del Mar Rosso e Sharm El-Sheikh nel Sinai del sud.

Ci sono diversi aerei di linea che offrono voli Egitto, tra cui British Airways, Alitalia, Turkish Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Royal Dutch Airlines e Thai Airways International.

Oltre gli aeroporti ci sono un certo numero di porti marini per coloro che preferiscono viaggiare via mare. Per coloro che viaggiano sul Mar Mediterraneo, i porti di Alessandria, Port Said e Damietta sono tutti i punti di ingresso possibile. C'è anche una porta a destra il Golfo di Suez e l'altro, il porto di Nuweiba, sul Golfo di Aqaba. Il Mar Rosso offre tre opzioni per i viaggiatori; i porti di Hurghaba, Safaga e Sharm El-Sheikh.

Per chi preferisce i viaggi su strada, ci sono tre posti ingresso via terra. Il post di voce Salloum si trova al confine nord-occidentale (per quelli proveniente dalla Libia). Il famoso di Rafah è al confine nord-orientale per quelli provenienti dalla striscia di Gaza, territori occupati e Israele. Il confine orientale c'è un post a Taba per quelli provenienti da Israele.

Ottenere il giusto lavoro di carta e visa è essenziale per un'entrata gratuita di stress in Egitto. I visitatori non-egiziani che arrivano in Egitto sono tenuti a essere in possesso di un passaporto valido. Visti possono essere ottenuti da sia l'egiziano diplomatica e consolare missioni all'estero, il dipartimento di visto di entrata, o da immigrazione e nazionalità amministrazione (TDINA). Tuttavia è possibile per i visitatori di ottenere un visto di ingresso presso tutti i punti principali di entrata.

I visitatori che entrano in Egitto a Taba per visitare la costa del Golfo di Aqaba e Santa Caterina presso il posto di frontiera via terra possono essere esentati dal visto e concesso un permesso di soggiorno gratuito per quattordici giorni visitare la zona. I cittadini dei seguenti paesi sono tenuti ad essere in possesso di un visto di pre-arrivo: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Erzegovina, Cecenia, Croazia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israele, Kazakistan, Kirghizia, Libano, Macao, Macedonia, Malesia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Marocco, Pakistan, Palestina, Filippine, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Tagikistan, Thailandia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ucraina, Uzbekistan e tutti i paesi africani.

Chi è in possesso di un permesso di soggiorno in Egitto non è necessario ottenere un visto di ingresso se lasciano il paese e restituire ad esso entro la validità della loro residenza permesso o entro sei mesi, qualsiasi periodo è minore. Ci sono tre tipi di visti in Egitto. I visti turistici sono generalmente validi per un periodo non superiore a tre mesi e accordato su entrambi base voce singola o multipla. Visto di ingresso sono richiesti di tutti i visitatori che arrivano in Egitto per scopi quali lavoro e studio che non sono legati al turismo. Questo visto è necessario per il completamento della procedura di residenza in Egitto. Visti di transito vengono resi disponibili per i viaggiatori in transito attraverso l'Egitto. Una volta in Egitto, i visitatori hanno diverse opzioni per ottenere intorno al paese in modo facile e confortevole. Le opzioni vanno dal noleggio di auto, treni di lusso e pullman per voli domestici per collegare le città turistiche.

Se venite attraverso Cairo International, avete la possibilità di affittare una limousine con tasse fisse secondo la vostra posizione alloggio dall'aeroporto, o utilizzare il servizio di trasporto Aeroporto del Cairo che copre tutto il paese e aeroporti. È possibile richiedere questo servizio, attraverso il vostro agente di viaggio o dalla scrivania informazioni presso l'aeroporto.

Il modo più semplice e più comune di muoversi all'interno di qualsiasi città è dai taxi. Questo sono facilmente reperibile nelle principali città, Cairo, per esempio, ha una flotta di taxi gialli climatizzate e misurati. Uno è chi consiglia di prenotare i loro taxi almeno un'ora prima del loro tempo previsto per il loro viaggio. In alcuni casi è consigliabile che chiedete una ricevuta come prova del pagamento per evitare qualsiasi inconveniente più tardi. In alternativa uno potrebbe prendere un taxi regolare su strada o anche davanti al loro hotel. Essi sono di solito colorati a seconda città operano poll in Alessandria sono gialli e nero, al Cairo sono in bianco e nero. È molto importante conoscere i codici di colore in diverse città affinché si minimizzano i rischi.

Le principali città dell'Egitto hanno un sistema di bus sano all'interno e tra le città. Esempi dei quali sono autobus Super Jet, Delta e alto Egitto. Vanno da città a città e forniscono servizi di ristorazione, servizi igienici e a bordo di intrattenimento. L'imbroglio nel viaggiare con gli autobus è che si ferma troppo spesso così prendendo troppo lungo specialmente nei viaggi a lunga distanza. Viaggio in treno è altamente raccomandato per i viaggi a lunga distanza.

La metropolitana, che è composto da due linee lunghe, è il modo più economico e veloce per spostarsi all'interno del Governatorato del Cairo e Giza soprattutto nelle ore di punta (da 14 a 17). Il primo, da Helwan a El Marg ha 33 fermate; il secondo, da Giza a Shoubra El Khema ha 18 fermate. Si noti che la prima carrozza su ogni treno è sempre rigorosamente per le donne. Orario di lavoro estivo è da 6:0 a 1:0 e orario invernale è dalle 6:0 alle 12:0.

Molte aziende di trasporto offrono una vasta scelta di auto di lusso e pullman con piloti ben addestrati. Agenzie di noleggio auto sono rappresentati nelle città principali, nonché gli aeroporti nazionali e internazionali. Il treno è uno dei modi migliori per viaggiare tra le principali città egiziane.

Sono disponibili tre tipi di treni: l'ordinario, l'espresso e il turbo. L'espresso e il turbo sono le opzioni più costose, ma venire con il vantaggio di un viaggio coccolato che vi porterà a destinazione rapidamente con tutti i servizi di ristorazione e aria condizionata. Un servizio ferroviario eccellente turbo è disponibile tra il Cairo e le principali città di tutto il paese. Il treno dura circa due ore per andare dal Cairo ad Alessandria.

Per coloro che preferiscono viaggiare in aereo localmente, Egypt Air - la compagnia di bandiera - collega la maggior parte delle città turistiche in Egitto con il suoi affidabile voli nazionali. È possibile volare direttamente da Luxor a Sharm El Sheikh o Alessandria.

Samuel Maina è scrittore di viaggi online per punto di Africa Limited, un agente di viaggio specialista Africa, offrendo servizi di prenotazione online di Alberghi, biglietti aerei, noleggio auto, tour e Safari per 13 paesi africani. Leggere alcune delle sue opere su http://www.africapoint.net e http://www.africapoint.com.

New Motorways For Morocco: Good News For Property Investors

We all know that, amongst other factors, a healthy property market relies upon a thriving tourist economy. Of utmost importance to this formula is the transport system to and from our chosen country. Free, easy passage for visitors via an efficient road system and public transport, as well as good communications for vital supplies, improves the quality and appeal of any investment location, and Morocco makes no exception. A destination that is easily accessed wins points over other locations. No one is clearer on this point than Morocco's forward-thinking King Mohammed VI who is intent on increasing the country's infrastructure by the year 2010 in his Vision 2010 Plan.

The announcement that a motorway construction programme to build a target 160 km of road per year until 2010 comes as no surprise within the rapidly expanding economic arena of Morocco. The result will be greatly improved communications to all areas of Morocco and a further increase in visitors who regard Morocco as an advanced country that competes well with EU standards. The road construction plan follows an earlier successfully completed project to build 100 km per year for the four years running up to 2004. By 2010, Morocco will be well-equipped with a total of 1,450km of new roads, projecting it further onwards as a leader in the worldwide property investment market place.

Since 2001 and the launch of the King's Vision 2010 plan, more than 10,000 new hotel rooms have been constructed and thousands renovated. King Mohammed VI is specific in his aim to increase tourist numbers to 10 million visitors by 2010 and the new roads will go a long way to achieve this aim: the six new five star resorts currently under construction will be well served by the new motorway systems which will give them a fittingly up-market profile and infrastructure so vital to attracting investors to the area. The 320 km stretch from Fes to Oudja will directly link the Mediterranea Saidia resort, greatly improving communications and cutting valuable travel time from the airport to a mere 30 minutes.

The liberalization of air transport to Morocco will significantly increase direct air traffic between European and Moroccan cities. This is perfectly in line with Morocco's drive to encourage significant growth to its tourist industry, which is currently in full swing. An influx of extra tourists is set to arrive in Morocco this year, with new EasyJet flights announced from Luton to Marakesh and Gatwick to Marrakesh from July 4th 2006 as well as Ryanair offering direct flights from Marseilles to Fez, Marrakesh and Oujda. The new motorways are perfectly timed to cater for the increased flow of passengers these flights will eventually bring and will actively encourage foreigners to invest further in property in Morocco, while slowly pushing prices upwards.

The new motorways will cover the following stretches:

Casablanca - el Jadida:28km

Tetouan - Fnideq:28km

Settat - Marrakesh:145km

Out of new port of Tanger Med:54km

Marrakesh - Agadir:233km

Fes - Oujda:320km

So, it seems, due to King Mohammed VI and his progressive vision for the future of Morocco, all necessary policies and improvements to the infrastructure are underway and poised in readiness for a successful few years ahead for investors in Morocco. While there are still many bargain off-plan investment opportunities available today, investors are urged to take a closer look at the many options currently on offer.

Investment experts at propertyshowrooms.com are confident that exciting returns are waiting just around the corner for shrewd and timely investors and they will gladly share their knowledge with you regarding current investment opportunities in Morocco or in any of the other worldwide emerging markets.

Holidays to Morocco - Choices For Everyone

The Moroccan Kingdom has earned itself a reputation for being the epitome of exotic glamour over the years. Thanks to two very high profile films; the 1942 film Casablanca and the recent chick flick, Sex & the City 2, Morocco has become a popular destination for holiday makers and proves that it is everything the movies portray and more. This country is comprised of mainly deserts and rugged mountains and is situated on the North African continent. Saying that, the Morocco cities are vibrant and alive with a mix of eastern and western culture and tradition. You would think the luxury here comes at a high price, but you will be surprised to find many cheap holidays here and an abundance of affordable flights as well. If you stay in one of the main cities you will definitely grab a bargain.


Trasport yourself into the past on your arrival to Marrakesh. The picturesque alleys and souks are everything a holidaymaker would expect from Morocco. The souks in this city are particularly special - you'll find a wide array of exotic goods.

As you wander the streets you'll come across storytellers and street performers, adding to Marrakesh's exotic vibe. Accommodation for holidays to Marrakesh must be in the form of a riad - a traditional Moroccan house built around a hidden garden.


Casablanca, known famously for the film, mixes old and modern architecture. The Sultan Sidi Mohammed ben Abadallah decided to rebuild the Anfa in the mid-18th century. The ruins combined with the city's Art Deco architecture are an interesting mix adding to the city's allure. The city is also situated on the coast so you'll find a number of beaches where you can relax and enjoy the sunshine. Stop off at one of the numerous cafes on the coast for some excellent people watching.


Fez is the top destination for holiday makers who want to experience true Moroccan tradition because of the souks and medinas of Fez, which have remained unchanged since the Middle Ages. In fact, the entire medina of Fez has been dedicated a Unesco World Heritage of Humanity Site. Take a stroll through the medina and you'll be amazed by the craftsman and their impeccable charm. After shopping until you drop, visit a traditional restaurant for some delicious local delicacies. A popular destination with its own airport, Fez is a great choice for cheap holidays to Morocco.


Agadir is the destination to visit if you want to enjoy the Moroccan coast, boasting over 300 days of sunshine a year. Spend your time relaxing on the 10 kilometres of coastline after a visit to Fez or Marrakesh. If you need a break from the beach, visit the city's new marina where you can view the hundreds of boats harboured here whilst enjoying an ice cream.


This rich city with natural wonders and landscapes lies in the heart of the Atlas Mountains. The adventurous traveller will feel at home here, with a number of outdoor activities and sights to take in. You can explore a number of caves and waterfalls and even partake in extreme sports if you're feeling brave. Or if you want a real adventure, start off your holidays here before trekking the Atlas Mountains.

Jen Smith works in the travel industry and writes articles based on the world's top destinations and the latest holiday offers.

Morocco - a country rich in nature!

Morocco mountain

Nature is never far away in Morocco. Desert, mountains, valleys and sea - the country has plenty to offer fans of the outdoors!

Hikers of all levels will love walking the Moroccan mountains. Among the temperate peaks of the Rif mountain range, its cliffs jutting out into the Mediterranean make this under-explored region magical.

Morocco mountain

The lakes are packed with trout waiting for amateur fishermen. The more sporty will want to tackle the challenges of the Middle and Upper Atlas mountains on foot, by mountain bike or in a paraglider, or to practice mountain climbing, canyoning or pot-holing. Its summits can reach 4000m high. Ifrane, the little Moroccan Switzerland, may come as a pleasant surprise with its summer coolness, winter snow and traditional "mule-ski" trails.

Nothing is as indescribable as a stay on the edge of the desert... Head to Ouarzazate to discover its immensity and colours. At night, opt for an encampment in the desert, a chalet in the mountains and, wherever you are, bed and breakfast with the locals for an unforgettable and authentic experience. These are at the heart of the Moroccan identity, like palmtrees, argan oil and the honey from its lavender.

Looking out over the Atlantic, you will be enchanted by the turquoise waters of Dakhla bay! There you will meet migratory birds and pink flamingos.

In Morocco, every taste is naturally catered for!

Comprare una casa in Marocco

Marocco in Nord Africa è una parte popolare del mondo per i turisti, acquisto casa e nuovi cacciatori di sviluppo come il Marocco si compiace di proprietà d'oltremare & acquirenti di casa. Con successiva a no nt, aprendo la strada al Marocco rivitalizzante. Paese stabile accoppiato con boom casa acquisto andrestrictions stranieri casa acquisto, proprietà sviluppo aree sono essere eretto per alimentare la domanda di proprietari di seconda casa e opportunità di investire.

Governo popolare, Marocco è entusiasta di guidare attraverso il cambiamento in tutto il paese intero e sviluppo casa acquisto e proprietà sta attirando investme diretto estero mercato immobiliare che Marocco in grado di offrire una gamma di opportunità per tutti i budget e gusti. Con il Marocco, essendo un clima caldo e un paese vicino all'equatore offre molti mesi di sole con proprietà molto meno costoso in confronto di altri paesi simili nella regione.

Con il Marocco, avendo una storia di casa acquisto & proprietà di proprietà senza gesta è sempre meglio controllare rogiti con proprietà più anziani. Anziani case e terreni in Marocco tende a presentare un piccolo problema quando si tratta di trasferimento della proprietà del titolo come ci vuole molto più tempo ai fatti di sicuri per una casa & proprietà senza gesta. Una nuova casa costruita tende a fornire un dritto in avanti acquisto casa opportunità di proprietà come nuovi atti e casa di proprietà questioni giuridiche possono organizzati dal vostro avvocato.

Processo di acquisto

-Visualizzazione di viaggi in Marocco guardando potenziali proprietà e case.

-Trattare direttamente con i proprietari di casa con proprietà più vecchi come questo tende ad essere la pratica normale. Anche una buona idea di consultare con un buon inglese

-Italiano lingua agente immobiliare che fornirà le proprietà adatte e case per voi a guardare.

-Gli sviluppatori di proprietà vista nuovi costruirono appartamenti e case.

-Decidere il prezzo finale quando si acquista casa, che è un'altra usanza in Marocco.

-Concordare un prezzo finale per la proprietà o la casa.

-L'accordo del proprietario di casa o i proprietari a vendere la proprietà e accettare i termini di guadagno. -Nominare un avvocato di condurre un'indagine, verifiche legali, controllo rogiti e casa di proprietà della proprietà.

-Contratto preliminare è redatto quando entrambe le parti concordano il cambio di proprietà della casa che verrà dettaglio tutti i termini e condizioni.

-Pagare un deposito nella fase iniziale accordo che tende ad essere più elevato rispetto ad altri paesi.

-Avvocato controllerà anche per vedere se ci sono eventuali debiti insoluti sulla proprietà, come il nuovo proprietario avrebbe ereditato tutti i debiti, quando casa acquisto in Marocco.

-In generale un conto bancario in Marocco è richiesto il pagamento di proprietà.

-Quando il tuo avvocato professionale e tu sei felice con la proprietà e quindi l'accordo finale di trasferire tutta la documentazione è iniziata da pagare il saldo finale dovuto l'acquisto della casa.

-Il tuo avvocato entrerà ufficialmente la casa di proprietà acquisto vendita con i funzionari di governo. Periodo di tempo da concordare un acquisto casa di proprietà o l'acquisto per registrare la proprietà sotto la vostra proprietà può prendere più di una settimana o mesi a seconda se ci sono eventuali problemi che si presentano attraverso pratiche burocratiche o di pianificazione.

Tariffe e tasse pagano intorno al tasso del 6,5% per edifici e terreni all'1% del prezzo di vendita totale.


Marocco in città & città hanno tutti i moderni mezzi di comunicazione come la banda larga e dial-up internet, fax, telegramma, telefoni e telefonia mobile segnali. Zone rurali e il deserto a volte un segnale di telefonia mobile è debole o nessun servizio disponibile e si è molto consigliabile pianificare tutti i viventi e viaggiare nella mente di salute & sicurezza. Alberino dentro e fuori del Marocco può essere lento a tempo, anche se invio spedizione internazionale o espresso o pacchetti dovrebbero essere lo stesso servizio, come altri paesi offrono. Viaggi


Diversi aeroporti in Marocco, anche se non tutti i voli internazionali di servizio e può essere difficili vedere il Marocco in aereo con in particolare noleggiando un riquadro te privatamente.


Principali autostrade da città a città e città e altre strade minori in Marocco, sono per lo più usabile. Guidando alcune parti del paese richiede quattro ruote motrici del veicolo come la strada può variare da una superficie ruvida irregolare, sporcizia, sabbia e rocciosa. Noleggiare un'auto è nessun problema e guida rotonda principali città & città che sono ben segno inviato. Pedaggio strada pagamenti sono presenti in Marocco e sono pagabili in anticipo se si desidera utilizzare una strada a pedaggio.


Petit Taxi a buon mercato e più conveniente intorno Marocco città e paesi principali. Petit taxi sono consentiti solo a traghetto passeggeri in uno specifico paese o città e non sono ammessi di fuori dei limiti della città. Grand Taxi utilizzabile per tutto il Marocco e si può prendere la maggior parte dei luoghi che si desidera andare. Più costoso e confortevole e sono generalmente tutte le vetture Mercedes. Buona idea in città turistiche per chiedere un prezzo stabilito prima di iniziare il vostro viaggio.


Trasporto in autobus in Marocco è abbastanza a buon mercato e nelle principali città per è impostato a buon mercato per le persone a usare il bus e permettersi la tariffa allo stesso tempo. Muoversi in Marocco è possibile in bus e tutti turistica e un sacco di itinerari turistici non sono servite ogni giorno.


Affidabile addestra e quasi sempre venire in tempo sono la migliore modalità di trasporto per andare in giro ad un prezzo accessibile. Come altri paesi c'è prima e seconda classe e standard differiscono secondo la scelta della carrozza si scelta per viaggiare. Compagnia ferroviaria nazionale marocchine (ONCF office national des chemins de fer) sta prendendo davvero buona cura dei propri clienti: stazioni ferroviarie in Marocco, sono ben attrezzate e pulito e il personale sono molto cordiale.

ONCF Call center: 090 20 30 40 sito Web: http://www.oncf.ma al momento i 3 principali rotte servizi sono: "Tangeri-Kenitra-Rabat-Casablanca"Casablanca-Marrakech"Oujda-Fes-Meknes-Kenitra c'è anche una linea ferroviaria che collega Casablanca all'aeroporto internazionale Mohammed V. Piani sono in atto per espandere la rete ferroviaria per servire più le città in tutto il Marocco.


Tangeri da Spagna, Casablanca e altri porti della costa del Marocco sono accessibili dal mare.

Assistenza medica

Sempre consigliabile avere una copertura medica completa prima di uscire di casa. Il Marocco ha buoni ospedali, cliniche private e medico disponibile 24 ore al giorno, anche se in alcune parti del paese è difficile accedere a cure mediche. Aree remote e deserto potrebbe significare ore prima arriva assistenza medica e un mezzo di sommando un aiuto come un telefono cellulare è consigliabile modi.

Ray Blanchett RC proprietà in tutto il mondo